
PEI - A Pictorial Essay

I'm back!! I'm a bit sad because now I don't have awesome guest bloggers taking over. Just little old me. Thanks again guys!

Anywho, the East coast was awesome - I have lots of great stories but first:

A pictorial essay of the trip

We may or may not have almost missed our plane on the way out there. Not because we were drinking but because we couldn't find the car rental place. More on that later.

At least the airplane food
wasn't so bad:

Blondie and I wore our infamous John Deere shirts and ended up meeting the John Deere rep for all of the East Coast. His name was John (seriously).

I got to see a real lighthouse and go up in it - this is a big deal for me since I'm from Calgary. There isn't exactly the chance of boats running into the shore here (although we did have one of the best Naval academies in the country - go figure). The lighthouses on the West coast are different or maybe I just don't know where to look to find a real red and white lighthouse.

We had awesome fake Chinese food a few nights after the bar - Blondie told me she's never had Chinese in Calgary because she's afraid it's "real" Chinese (I'm assuming she meant chicken claws and tripe balls). When I told her that we have just as many fake Chinese places as real ones she got pretty excited. Note to self: take Blondie for Chinese. Maybe even dim sum...although she may not be able to handle that just yet.

We went to dinner theater and drank a liter of wine.


We saw an 80s hairband, Haywire:

We drank our faces off; danced with hot guys; partied at the spot where all the Alexander Keith's commercials are filmed; ate tons of lobster, scallops and mussels; and laid out on the beach for hours. We had an interesting ride home one night when we couldn't find a cab:

I met a farmer who said (and I quote) "I'm some glad I met you" when I told him I was from Calgary. Turns out he's coming here for 6 months in January to transport cows or milk pigs or something (chickens maybe?) so he needs some friends. Should be interesting taking the small town Vernon River boy around the big city.

However, we just got back and I'm exhausted, hungry and bitchy. Time for bed for this girl!


Ben said...

Damn you are a foxy crew...

Anonymous said...

Hey, welcome back!
I became a reader while you were gone - great blog - your guest bloggers did a great job!

Anonymous said...

You saw Haywire? Did you also see Split Enz???

paperback reader said...

Since I'm never going back to Canada (partially because I've never really enjoyed it, possibly because of strict extradition laws), I now assume that all Canadians on the East Coast spend all their time seeing bands I've never heard of.

Falwless said...

We missed you! Okay, okay, I missed you. Everyone else was celebrating your disappearance. Bastards, every one of them!

Sounds like you had a phenomenal time! :)

words...words...words... said...

Now that sounds like a fun trip. And the black bars over your eyes make it seem like the stuff you did was MUCH more fun than it actually was :)

Dr Zibbs said...

I like how he transports cows or pigs or chickens but you're unsure. Did Blondie give you that information?

Dr Zibbs said...

Oh yeah, Which one is you and which one is Blondie?

ÄsK AliCë said...

Ben - my friends are sexy!

Kez - thanks! My guest bloggers were awesome

Poobomber - well there were split endz everywhere...

Pistols - probably a correct assumption

Falwless - those jerks!

www - the witness protectiopn program is getting stingy with their disguises

Dr. Zee - This guy had the thickest East coast accent ever. He was talking about chickens and pigs so the hell if I knew what he was saying. I'm wearing purple in the first pic, Blondie is in blue.

Juice said...

Great pictorial... "I'm some glad" Heheh, you American's are all the same.


(Un)popular said...

I heard that if you ever drunk and don't want to leave your car behind, then you can call a tow truck to take you and your car home. haha...

ÄsK AliCë said...

Living Juice - I'm actually Canadian...and so was this guy! We were in the East coast of Canada (PEI, Halifax etc.)

(un)popular - Hmmm...interesting, I'll have to try that out sometime

Oh wait, I don't have a car.

Des said...

Did you visit Green Gables? That's what I want to do!